30 Spring Cleaning Tips for a Refreshed and Organised Home

When the brighter days of spring are upon us, you’ll likely feel ready to freshen up your home and lift it out of its winter funk. 

Spring cleaning is a popular annual tradition that allows us to refresh and organise our homes and get a head start on the often more busy seasons of spring and summer. Whilst it can feel like a daunting task, it doesn’t have to be.

At Homefulness, our approach to Spring cleaning is simple; take it step by step, room by room, and remember, you don’t need to have organised every area of your home by June. Just one project completed will feel better than 10 started!

Whether you decide to keep it simple or go for a full-house makeover, be mindful that spring cleaning should be more than just ‘cleaning’.

A spring clean is a great time to consider how your home layout, organisation and storage is working for you.

Here are your ultimate spring cleaning tips for home organisation, compiled by our professional organisation experts to get you spring cleaning like a pro!

1. Make a to do list

We all know the feeling of having a hundred things swirling around in our brain, and inevitably something gets forgotten every now and then.

Taking these thoughts and writing them down on paper / your phone / wherever you are most likely to look at your list, will help take the pressure off you to remember every single thing you want to accomplish.

You will find you get more done simply by having somewhere to look for reminders about what you need to do. Make a new spring cleaning to-do list every day based on the previous day’s list and anything that came up since the last list was created.

Not only will this checklist help you keep on top of your tasks, but it will also make you feel productive when you cross off that item after it’s been completed.

2. Utilise containers

Baskets, bins or any other type of container will instantly help you organise your space better. For example, create categories or items within your pantry, add each category to a basket and label and you’ll always know exactly where to find the ingredient you’re looking for.

3. Create a home for essentials

We’ve all been there; unable to find our keys or your phone as you’re rushing out of the front door.

This unnecessary stress can be easily avoided by creating a permanent home for your keys, phone and any other essential items.

You may choose to keep these essential items in one place e.g. by the front door, or you can create designated space for each item. Whichever you decide, just be sure to return each item to its home when you’re not using it.

By knowing exactly where things are when you need them, you avoid daily stress and have peace of mind that you’ll be able to find exactly what you need when you need it.

4. Make the most of underutilised storage space

Most homes have storage space that isn’t being fully utilised. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to figure out where this might be in your home and make the most of it! A great example is the space underneath a bed. Add under bed storage boxes to contain linens or out season clothes.

5. Organise your wardrobe by clothing type and colour to avoid duplicates

An organised wardrobe is key to nailing the ultimate spring cleaning. When your wardrobe is categorised, you can easily see exactly what you have and as a result will be less likely to purchase items similar to those you own.

6. Clear flat surfaces and keep them clean

A great way to make your home look less cluttered is to clear all flat surfaces such as countertops, nightstands, tabletops etc. Remove everything and return only what is necessary. Organise the remaining items inside cupboards or drawers. You’ll be amazed at the difference!

7. Take before and after photos

You’ll love the sense of spring cleaning accomplishment when you compare the before and after shots of your newly refreshed space. Plus, when an area starts to become cluttered again, take a look at the after photo for a quick assessment of what needs to be done to get it tidy again.

8. Establish the ‘one in, one out’ rule

Believe it or not, the easiest hack for a more organised home and a crucial spring cleaning tip is to have less stuff! Establishing a rule where you don’t buy anything new until you let something go will really help you achieve this. Give it a go!

9. Tackle the junk drawer

First off, don’t worry, everyone has one! At Homefulness, our organisation experts recommend sorting through and decluttering your junk drawer periodically throughout the year, however spring-time provides a good excuse to give it a deep clean and a makeover!

  • Empty the drawer of all items then hoover out any crumbs or dust and wipe clean. 

  • Discard, donate or relocate any items you no longer need or that don’t belong there. 

  • Everything else can be returned to the drawer but this time in an organised manner.

Why not use in-drawer organisers to group items such as cables, batteries, stamps or any other categories you come across in your junk drawer - every single one is different!

10. Refresh the pantry

During your spring clean you should take the time to declutter and reorganise your pantry for the new season.

Chances are you will have built up some excess products over the winter months and may have accumulated some out of date items too.

Sort through each cupboard / shelf / drawer of your pantry, discarding any expired items and cleaning up any crumbs and spillages that may have occurred.

Create zones within your pantry grouping like with like and add some labels to help with organisational maintenance going forward!

11. Complete one task before moving on to the next

One of the most useful habits to get into in order to keep your home clutter free is to finish each task started before moving on to the next.

Starting a number of tasks and leaving them unfinished, can lead to a messier home and you feeling more overwhelmed than you initially were.

For example, rather than starting organising every kitchen cupboard and drawer, focus on just completing the utensils drawer before moving on to the pantry.

You will feel more focused on the task at hand by taking the extra step to complete each thing and check it off your list before beginning the next thing.

12. Give the bathroom cabinet some love

The bathroom cabinet can be a magnet for clutter. Every new shampoo, mascara or body cream that doesn’t work out can end up there regardless of whether it is going to be used again.

Start by getting rid of any expired items; whilst not all cosmetics have an expiration date, many products do state how many months they last after opening (look for 3M, 6M, 12M). Donate any unopened or in-date products that you will not use. 

Before placing items back into your cabinet, wipe down the shelves and consider some containment to help maintain your organisation going forward.

13. Deal with post on a daily basis

Prevent the dreaded pile of post from accumulating by taking a couple minutes on a daily basis to sort through it as it arrives. Discard what is not needed and deal with anything important as soon as possible.

By doing this, you’ll always know that you’re on top of important bills and other documents, plus you’ll help out your future self and reduce potential stress too!

14. Make use of vertical storage to reduce clutter

Adding hanging hooks, magnetic strips or pegs is a simple way to add storage to any vertical space and can create as much or as little storage as you need. Install these in entryways for bags and coats or the kitchen for pots and pans or utensils.

15. Bring order to the linen closet

Do you dread opening the door to your linen closet, scared you will be buried under a pile of overflowing sheets you keep ‘just in case’? 

It's true that the linen closet is often an area that is forgotten but this spring why not prioritise making your linen closet a functional, efficient and beautiful space!

Remove everything from the closet and clean the shelves to ensure your linen is placed back onto fresh and clean surfaces. Group items e.g. bedsheets, towels, blankets, decluttering items that you no longer want or need as you go. This also includes items you no longer use; if you haven’t used it in the last 6-12 months, it’s probably time to get rid!

At Homefulness, we believe the key to a practical linen closet is coordination. We like to group similar items and then place the most frequently used items, e.g. towels and sheets on the most accessible shelves and the less frequently used items e.g. winter blankets or guest sheets on the higher shelves; but do whatever works best for you!

By folding all linen neatly you will save space and protect the condition of your linens. You can add labels to shelves to help maintain the organisation system going forward and you might consider using storage baskets to help with containment of any smaller items on shelves.

16. Dust off your houseplants

Houseplants need a bit of Spring cleaning too! Using a microfibre cloth, gently remove dust for all leaves and watch your plants come back into their prime in no time.

17. Do the dishes after each meal

Beginning each day with a clean sink and clean dishes automatically makes for a better day which is why cleaning up and washing the dishes after each meal is a great habit to get into, and after a while you’ll find it becomes second nature.

Whilst keeping on top of your dirty dishes and clearing a wiping down the table after each use requires a bit of extra effort, the reward for doing so is a clean, clear and organised kitchen.

You may even find it satisfying to complete the task from start to finish. Trust us, this little added habit of organisation will go a long way to staying organised in your day to day life.

18. Rotate seasonal items

As you declutter and organise, take the opportunity to rotate seasonal items in and out of storage. Rotate items such as seasonal clothing and pack away winter items that won’t be needed until next season. Label all boxes clearly so you know exactly what is located where.

19. Make your bed every day 

Making your bed every day is an instant way for your home to feel tidy and organised.

20. Tackle paper clutter

Excess paperwork is a problem that almost everyone struggles with at some point. The sheer amount of paper we deal with on a daily basis, from bills to junk mail to instruction manuals, means it can accumulate quickly!

If you don’t have a good system in place to quickly organise papers as they come into your home, why not set one up this spring?

Start by sorting your paper clutter into three piles; keep, recycle and shred. Deal with the recycle and shred piles and then move on to the keep pile.

Use files, physical and digital to organise the papers you are keeping. Group papers by category and file away.

Depending on how much paper you need to keep and what your space limitations are, figure out what paperwork storage solutions will work best in your home.

21. Organise your bed linen

Save yourself time when it comes to switching over your bed linen by keeping your bedding sets organised by storing the pillowcases and a fitted sheet wrapped within the duvet cover.

22. Create a decluttering checklist

Create a list of the top five areas in your home where clutter accumulates the most and make cleaning them up part of your weekly routine.

23. Own fewer things

One simple way of maintaining a clutter free home is by owning fewer things! Less stuff means less to organise, declutter and tidy up. To have less stuff, it’s worth thinking about your shopping habits? Check out these ideas on how to shop like a minimalist for some inspiration.

24. Utilise organising products correctly

Products play a huge role when it comes to setting up systems of organisation within your home by helping to create systems that are easy to use and maintain and help keep your home clutter free!

Choose products that will help to take advantage of all usable space in the area that you are organising. 

For example, if you’re organising a shelf, be sure to select organisation products that make use of the full width, depth and height of the shelf or if you’re organising a wardrobe, opt for slimline hangers which will allow you to fit more items on each hanging rail.

25. Brighten up the bedroom

Spring cleaning your bedroom is a must to create a calm and fresh sleeping environment for the new season.

Remove from your bedroom everything that doesn’t belong there; magazines, newspaper, piles of clothes and more.

Clear out any items that cause visual clutter and corral small items such as loose change, jewellery and remote controls on a tray or inside a small basket to transform what might otherwise look messy into a neat and stylish arrangement.

Switch out your winter bed linens for lighter ones and while you’re at it have your heavy winter duvet dry cleaned and replace it with a lighter one. Take the opportunity to dust underneath the bed and light a calming scented candle as a finishing touch.

26. Reset your home daily

Before you settle down for the evening, put your home to rights with a ‘home reset’ ritual.

Spend 5-10 minutes tidying up your home before you go to bed each night. These few minutes will have a big impact when done consistently and you’ll love waking up to a neat and tidy home. The best thing about this habit is that you get to start the day off on an organised foot!

27. Throw away expired makeup

Using makeup that is out of date can cause skin irritation and even infection. Treat spring cleaning as an opportunity and discard any concealer, mascara, eyeliner and lipsticks that you’ve had for more than one year.

28. Sort your fridge

A part of the home used so frequently, the fridge tends to be cleaned and maintained on a more regular basis than other areas of the home. However a spring clean is a great opportunity to give your fridge a deeper clean than normal and to implement some organisation for the future.

  • Empty out the contents of your fridge

  • Discard expired products

  • Give the removable bins and shelves a deep clean in warm, soapy water 

  • Invest in some clear fridge bins to group together similar items on shelves

  • Also consider washable refrigerator liners to ensure cleaning is easy to keep on top of throughout the year

29. Establish new organising and cleaning habits

A thorough spring clean that covers the whole house is a great opportunity to establish ongoing organising and cleaning habits, which can make next year's spring cleaning as well as maintaining an organised home throughout the year easier.

For example, don’t try to do all of your spring cleaning in one day or even one weekend. Instead, tackle items on your spring cleaning to do list for a set amount of time each day, say 15 or 30 minutes.

That will help get you in the habit of tidying up for a short time every day even after you’re finished with your spring cleaning tasks.

30. Know when to ask for organisation help

Another important habit to get into is asking for help when you feel a task is too much for you to handle on your own.

Get your family involved by delegating tasks and asking for help with things. The more members of your household that are involved with daily organising activities, the more likely your home is to remain neat and organised.

There is no shame in asking for help. In fact, collaborating with professional organisers will actually help you be more successful and efficient with your time, and produce results that you and your family can feel extra proud of!

How To Be Mindful In Your Spring Cleaning

When you clean, just clean

Even Harvard researchers have found that we are happiest when thoughts and actions are aligned. As Jason Castro writes in this article for Scientific American, “A person who is ironing a shirt and thinking about ironing is happier than a person who is ironing and thinking about a sunny getaway”!

Put meaning in cleaning

Spring cleaning can be drudgery, but it can also be nurturing yourself and your family. Have the right mindset: by cleaning, you are taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Do your work with gratitude and compassion:  remember to be grateful for what you have, for being able to clean or declutter. 

If you have kids: yes – they are messy, but you are grateful for them. Then remember you’re cleaning out of compassion: for you and the people in your life. This is your intention, and it will help you remember to be mindful.

Take a deep breath

You can choose your cleaning products according to their smell, or maybe try some aromatherapy while you clean (diffuse your favourite essential oils for example): Lavender, citrus oils or eucalyptus have calming properties.

Clear the clutter

As explained in our previous blog post, physical clutter can be mentally draining. Spring is a great time of year to sort through your belongings and decide what can be donated and recycled, and what is essential.

Organise your belongings in an aesthetic way 

Your home should be the physical manifestation of your taste, and organising does not mean having your possessions stored in an awful cardboard storage box. Use pretty boxes and baskets using a palette of colours that you love. You will feel way more satisfied and happy to see what you have achieved.

Clean and Organise Your Home Like a Pro This Spring

We hope our spring cleaning tips inspire you to create a better functioning and more organised stylish home! Our spring cleaning methods are tested and approved, however don’t feel you can’t blend your own ways into the professional approach.

Happy Spring cleaning to all!

And don’t forget, Homefulness is here to help with your spring cleaning questions and other organisational needs! Contact our professional organisers today.


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