Create a Spa Feel in Your Bathroom

After a long day of work, we all dream about sinking into a hot bath to soothe away our stress. But if your bathroom is messy and not-so-stylish, it can be hard to relax.

To turn your bathroom into your own personal retreat, start with a few easy tricks for making the space feel more like a spa. When toiletries are corralled and fresh greenery is displayed, suddenly, even a small bathroom starts to feel like a sanctuary.

Our expert guide will help give your bathroom the ultimate treatment with relaxing aromas, luxurious accessories, and soothing colours to make it feel like a spa and create a personal retreat in your own home. From bathroom relaxation ideas to accessories, we have you covered.

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1. Use earth tones or neutral colours

Colours can lay the foundation for a calming bathroom. Set the tone for your at-home spa by choosing neutral colours such as white, beige or blue to create a soothing and welcoming environment.

These colours will give your space a calming effect and if you don’t want to repaint the walls, just change the colour of your bathroom accessories. A simple set of soap holders made of bamboo and ceramic can add a warming touch.

2. Add wooden accents

Adding wood could give a warm aura to your bathroom. When refurbishing, you can use wood slats for the wall or have wooden cabinets. You could even use wooden flooring for some areas of the bathroom or make a wooden partition which gives that relaxing Asian feel.

If you’re just working with accessories, you can add a small wooden stool to stash fresh towels near the shower. You can also choose a bamboo bath mat: while fabric bath mats tend to get damp, a slatted wooden mat feels fresh and makes the space more zen.

3. Bring in some greenery

Incorporating houseplants and flowers into your bathroom will help create a healthy and relaxing environment and add life to the room. Indoor plants are an easy and effective way to turn your bathroom into a spa with a more comfortable and tranquil setting.

It could either be potted plants or even just a flower. Merely adding an orchid on the vanity can already give your bathroom a Zen look. You can also try filling a vase with fresh flowers, hanging a potted plant from the ceiling or setting potted plants around the bathroom to embrace natural elements.

Choose a variety that lasts for a while and will add a fresh scent, such as minty eucalyptus or check Homefulness blog to find out how to choose a plant for each room in your home, including bathrooms.

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4. Use natural textures

It isn’t just wood that has a natural texture: you can also use stone or bricks in the bathroom. Even a pebbled tile floor will be nice and would feel good under the feet.

If you’re just playing with accessories, add some decorations with natural textures, such as a soap dish, a mirror or a storage tray over the tub.

5. Use scents to create a relaxing mood

Spas always have this relaxing aroma all throughout the space. You can do this in your own bathroom too. Aromatherapy adds a marvellous touch to your home spa experience by evoking emotions, boosting relaxation, and relieving stress.

Essential oils, scented soap, and lotions, along with scented candles are the easiest ways to set the mood when creating a relaxing bathroom spa. Consider scents like lavender, jasmine or vanilla for a calming effect and relaxing atmosphere.

6. Place some candles

Adding candles will bring more spa feel to the bathroom. Scented candles are a lot better because it could also bring aroma to the entire place while adding a fire element that is relaxing and refreshing.

Source: Unsplash

7. Decorate with spa-like details

It is all in the details! Use containers that are perfect for a spa like apothecary jars. You can also roll some white towels and place them in the bathroom (on a wooden stool as mentioned above). Add some Asian-inspired decor to bring a Zen feel to the space.

8. Declutter your space

If your bathroom is drowning in makeup, toiletries and hair products, cut the clutter by removing items you don't use on a daily basis and storing them underneath your sink, in a basket or in a medicine cabinet. Keeping your bathroom essentials at hand and everything else neatly tucked away will help maintain a relaxing atmosphere.

9. Create extra storage

If you have trouble finding a place to store all of your bathroom toiletries and necessities, get creative by adding storage. Think of how a spa would organise and display toiletries. Try using clear glass jars to store cotton balls on the countertop, add a wicker basket to display hand towels on the floor next to the bath or place a tray on top of the toilet for holding hand soap, lotions, and other products.

Our experts can turn your bathroom into a relaxing spa

Check out our Homefulness store for more spa-like bathroom ideas and don’t forget that professional organisers are here to help and will be able to find new storage ideas.

Homefulness organisation services will always make sure to display and organise storage in the most stylish way to turn your bathroom into the relaxing sanctuary it should be.


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